The University of Florida, Department of Emergency Management (UFDEM) is tasked with creating a culture of emergency preparedness and response across the University.
UFDEM is responsible for coordinating a comprehensive, all-hazards approach through the five identified mission areas – prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Florida Board of Governors Regulation 3.001 requires the development and maintenance of an emergency management program.
The knowledge of how to plan for disasters is critical in emergency management. Planning can make a difference in mitigating against the effects of a disaster.
- The information below is designed with you in mind, and to assist emergency personnel who are involved in developing an effective emergency plan for your department.
- COM-HR is partnering with you to offer training in the fundamentals of the emergency planning process, including the rationale behind planning.
- It will develop your capability for effective participation in the all-hazards emergency operations planning process to save lives and protect property threatened by disaster.
COM Department Administrators:
Please complete the form below to ensure we have an emergency management designee for your department. This is different from your assigned Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC).